Saturday, July 20, 2013

A wonderful day to edit some shorts! Plus 2 interesting links!

My writing nook!

Yay! I'm happily cutting and re-shaping today various short stories. When you put it away in a drawer for a long while, it's amazing how much easier it is to cut massive sections to make it tighter.

Need I say more?

Happy writing or reading!

And I'll leave you now with a few links of interest!

A nice hang out!
Romanic Friday Writers is open to everyone. Join in, or simply just enjoy the read. Submit flash fiction, poetry, prose, WIP. A nice blog I found inspiring to read! The present theme is based on Honeymoon! So there's just two days left. You can also get critiqued, in part, by e-mail!  Check out the blog for more information.

To Pen name, or not to Pen name, that is the question!

I think you will find this an interesting read!

The murkey world of literary libel

Written by John Preston, of the Telegraph.

Lawsuits, pulped books, family rifts: when novelists base their characters on real people, trouble tends to follow. John Preston investigates literary libel.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Those of you interested in my art, here's my link to my art blog: