Friday, January 7, 2011

My Poetry Book is now on Kindle Amazon, and for 99 cents

Jacqueline Howett is the author of The Greek Seaman. A seafaring novel.

Poetry eBook.  Amorphous Angelic (Selected Poems) By Jacqueline Howett is now available on Kindle Amazon.

Product Description. Amorphous Angelic, selected poems by Jacqueline Howett are Metaphysical poems of wisdom, death, rebirth, and the inner workings of the souls journey. They are also 35 selected poems of love, inspiration, wonder, visons, hope, faith and connecting to the higher self as well as with the sad & strange, to elevating out of darkness to reveal the mystery of life that cover an important time factor in the poets life between 1980-1985, while still living in London, England and have remained her most memorable since she moved to live in America.

Click on book to buy your Kindle copy of my poetry for 99 cents.

Amorphous Angelic Selected poems by Jacqueline Howett has  been published at Borders, amazon and local stores and is now available in some libraires. It is now finally here as a Kindle eBook at Amazon and will be at Smashwords in various formats soon and other venues in varied formats. You can now download right to your computer or gadget without a Kindle.

For a signed copy, please query me by E-mail at Signed copies are twelve dollars. Place in E-mail description: Signed copy of Poetry book AA,

More Free samples of my poetry from my poetry book Amorphous Angelic, Selected Poems are posted at my website with my 'other poems'. Click on this link.

Jacqueline Howett

Your my invisible friend who understands

Come, take my hand,
I'm your invisible friend who understands.
When you fly so high,
How did you expect them to understand?
You see, they never ever left the land,
Come, fly with me,
I'm your invisible friend who understands

©Jacqueline Howett 1984-2002-2011

Everybody is but the station along the way.
Some bring your fate and map your day,
Not one person can bring you everything,
With many on the way,
few will stay,
Maybe some you thought a life together would be,
Lead you on to tomorrow, to make you see,
How this life of uncertainty,
Needs 'faith' continually.

©Jacqueline Howett 1984-2002-2011